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Auto Insurance: Top Tips That Will Help Car Owners Save Money

Owning a car can be expensive. In addition to the upfront cost you pay when buying your vehicle, you also need to shell out money for things like auto insurance. While it is mandatory for you to have auto insurance as long as you own a car, there is really no reason for you to overpay. Here’s how car owners can save money on auto insurance.

Drive Safely

Avoiding accidents and driving more carefully are the best ways to keep your insurance costs low. Drivers who already have moving violations should be extra careful!

Buy a Basic Car

 Avoid buying cars that are expensive or flashy. Instead, get a car that’s inexpensive with basic features. Amp up the security of the vehicle by opting for safety features like a security system, passenger and rear seat airbags, anti-lock brakes, etc., to lower insurance costs.

Enroll in a Defensive Driving Course

Some insurance companies will offer you a discount if you’ve enrolled and completed a defensive driving course. However, make sure to check how much you can save by enrolling in such a course. If you’ll have to pay a hefty amount for the course but don’t stand to save much on the insurance costs, skip this.

Compare Insurance Rates From Different Providers

 This is applicable to all insurance products. To buy a policy that offers you adequate coverage at a competitive price, you need to compare insurance quotes from various companies at least once a year (typically, before renewing your policy). Some insurers cut their prices and offer attractive discounts to new customers.

Move to a Place Near Your Office

 People who have a short drive usually pay less on their insurance policy because they spend less time on the roads.

Improve Your Credit Score

 Insurance companies can take the credit score of the driver into account when deciding the price of a car insurance policy. While not all states allow this, many states do, which means you can save money on your insurance policy by improving your credit score.

Raise the Deductible

Drivers who have a good driving record can save on insurance premiums by raising the deductible. However, if you get involved in a car accident, you will have to pay out of pocket (because of the increased deductible) before your insurance coverage steps in.